Soon, you will be doing research for the latest remodeling trends and trying to figure out with what project to start in the month of March. Let us help you by sharing a few tips:

1. Choose a contractor who is Illinois State licensed and who has performed a specific line of work required by a jurisdiction. Most states require that the contractor hold insurance and/or bonding as required by that specific municipality.

Benefits of using a licensed contractor: 
- A licensed contractor may pull permits at the local building department
- Protects the homeowner by ensuring the contractor has met insurance requirements

Disadvantages of using an unlicensed contractor: 
- A unlicensed contractor may have problems in obtaining permits
- A building inspector may issue a cease to work order if there are no permits on file 
- Homeowners may have little to no recourse if a problem occurs after a job is done

2. Hire a contractor who is licensed, bonded, and insured. All three credentials are important not only for the contractor, but for the homeowner’s protection as well. Hiring a contractor without the proper qualifications may put you, the homeowner at greater financial risk if your homeowners’ insurance policy is insufficient to cover the bills should the contractor or his/her workers become hurt on the property and during the job.

3. Always ask for a written job proposal or estimate, ask questions and you may request to see previously completed jobs. A good place to start is the contractor’s website and social media, where photos and descriptions of completed jobs are available to be viewed.

4. If you locate completed projects, you may ask questions regarding specific jobs. Once your remodeling job begins, make time to meet with the contractor to ensure work progress. Once your project is finished, request a final walk-through with the contractor.

Whether it is a small job, or a total exterior home renovation project, we are committed to giving you straight talk and helping you make your dream home become reality. Just let us know how we can help you with your next project! From total kitchen, bath and basement remodeling to exterior home improvement! We provide homeowners with an honest and insightful solution that instills a strong sense of pride in their home. We accomplish this by clearly understanding and communicating solutions in an honest, genuine manner and work with you, the homeowner to arrive at the best solution together.

Top 2019 remodeling projects that increase property value: 

  1. Siding replacement
  2. New roof installation
  3. Kitchen remodel with fancy gadgets and smart appliances
  4. Deck addition
  5. Energy-efficiency windows
  6. Fresh paint in modern colors